Glossary of Terms


Also referred to as “subject,” “source,” “interviewee” or “participant.”

Line edits

Suggestions and/or changes made to individual sentences in the narration or host introduction to improve the flow and clarity of the writing. Line edits will be made keeping in mind the qualities of good writing for radio, which prioritizes conversational and direct language.

Scratch track

A preliminary recording of narration that can act as a placeholder and/or rough draft for the final story.

Tape legibility

The clarity and sound quality of an audio file.

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW): The software used to cut and mix audio (and music), such as Hindenburg, Pro Tools, REAPER, or GarageBand.

Narrative-style audio story

A story that uses voiceover from a host / producer / reporter, interspersed with tape, to advance the action of the narrative. Tape comes from the field and/or studio interviews.

Story editing

The editorial process of cutting, reordering, refining and deepening a draft of a story in order to make it as clear, well-communicated and impactful as possible.

Interview-style audio episode

A story in which a host introduces a topic and invites one or more guests to discuss that topic in a Q&A format.


When you need to record a new piece of audio for narration or factual clarification because editing will not fix the issue.


An old-fashioned industry term for the audio gathered for a story.